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DAY 14

Extending place value to hundredths 

Key Mathematical Ideas

  • ​Conceptualise the meaning of 1 on the Linear Abacus® when working with hundredths.

  • Find ways to model tenths and hundredths on the Linear Abacus®.

  • Understand how to extend the base 10 place value system to include decimal fractions beyond hundredths.

  • Counting by tenths and hundredths and understanding the sequence of decimal numbers.



How can 1 be modelled on the Linear Abacus® so that you can represent hundredths?

Once you have determined this explain what:
1.    Each row of colour (10 beads) represents. 
2.    Each individual bead represents.
Then practice counting by hundredths on the Linear Abacus® from 0 to 0.1. What do you notice when you reach one-tenth. 


Share their creative thinking on our Mathematics Community Forum


Encourage children to use the representations modelled on page 82.​



Ask children to represent mixed numbers like 1.25 or 2.08 on the Linear Abacus®. How many strings are required for both numbers? Show how you can find these numbers in the sequence. 

Micro Writing Task

Complete day 14 of your journal. For parents and teachers this prompt encourages children to critique their thinking where they learn to analyse their mathematical arguments or solutions. This thinking is enhanced by connecting the resource to the solution.  

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