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DAY 13

Modelling and comparing decimal numbers 

Key Mathematical Ideas

  • Model decimal numbers that are larger than 1 on the Linear Abacus®.

  • Compare (that is explain which decimal is larger or smaller) and order decimal numbers using the Linear Abacus®.

  • Explain the journey along the beads to reach a specific decimal number. 



Locate 4.6 on the Linear Abacus®. Describe your journey to this bead. Can you find multiple paths to reach this number?  Now name the bead before and after 4.6 and 10 beads before and after 4.6
You need to explain how you did this. 


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Provide the step-by-step guide on pages 64-68 in the book for modelling decimal numbers on the Linear Abacus®. Have children choose a representation for 1 before they model 4.6.


What can you tell me about 1? Why is it important to be able to define how 1 is represented on the abacus string? 

Micro Writing Task

Complete day 13 of your journal. For parents and teachers this prompt encourages children summarise key information in order to develop their understanding about naming, writing, modelling, ordering and comparing tenths. This will guide their thinking for the next section on hundredths. 

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