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DAY 11

Connecting Abacus Models with Base 10 Names 

Key Mathematical Ideas

  • Use arithmetic and modelling to show equivalence between different representations.

  • Develop mathematical arguments to prove equivalence.

  • Connect Linear Abacus® models with arithmetic descriptions.



Show how many ways you can get to the 256th bead on the Linear Abacus®.

You can show your thinking on the abacus strings. Be sure to connect your models with a mathematical argument, actions/gestures, and words. 


Share their creative thinking on our Mathematics Community Forum


Help children use their English statements to create mathematical arguments. For instance in the example on the video a student might think about 60 × 2 as double 60.  This means if they think about 60 as a 12 × 5 array they would also need to double this.



Challenge children to create a representation of 256 that doesn't use base 10 groups at all (e.g., using groups of 8 or 16).

Micro Writing Task

Complete day 11 of your journal. For parents and teachers this prompt encourages children to summarise their thinking using clear examples to support their argument and reasoning. Be sure to look at their strategies, if they are only using addition or subtraction encourage or model others ways to think about the number.  

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