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DAY 10

Connecting Abacus Models with Base 10 Names 

Key Mathematical Ideas

  • Represent numbers additively and multiplicatively using the Linear Abacus®.

  • Find equivalent names for numbers using different sized groups.

  • Build number sense and fluency by thinking about numbers flexibly.



Model the number 124 on their Linear Abacus® using base 10 groups. Then find a different way to group the beads so that it still represents 124.

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Encourage children to start by representing 124 as groups of 10s and 1s. You can lookback at previous lessons to see how to model 100 in a compact way. 



Challenge students to find at least three different ways to represent 124 using different groupings. For example, 124 = (50×2)+(8×3).

Micro Writing Task

Complete day 10 of your journal. For parents and teachers this prompt encourages children to think about their understanding and ways they can apply new skills. For example, they should think about when they would use a process such as renaming to simplify tasks or thinking. 


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