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DAY 15

Representing and comparing decimal numbers with hundredths 

Key Mathematical Ideas

  • ​Model decimal numbers with hundredths on the Linear Abacus®.

  • Compare and order decimal numbers with hundredths using the Linear Abacus®. Begin to explore thousandths on the Linear Abacus®.

  • Explain different ways to represent the same decimal number. Describing their journey along the beads.

  • Understand the how to expand numbers additively and multiplicatively using descriptive calculations.



Roll 3 dice to make a decimal number: ____ . ____ ____. Then answer the question, how can you locate your number using the Linear Abacus®. Describe your journey to this bead. How many different paths can you take to get to this bead? Which was the most efficient and how do you know?

Repeat this exercise, then compare both of your numbers. Which decimal number is larger and how do you know?
Now think about how you can transfer your thinking onto a number line. Place both numbers on the number line and discuss how you constructed this. 


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Provide the model on page 87 to help children get started.



How does the Linear Abacus® help you understand equivalent representations of decimal numbers? Give an example from today's lesson.

Micro Writing Task

Complete day 15 of your journal. For parents and teachers this prompt encourages children to have a dialogue with themselves where they learn to ask questions, reflect on what they know or don't know, and consider alternative strategies.  

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